::.. we stand our ground ..::


Find all latest news on our Facebook page and our Youtube channel.


Out now:
“Stand your ground” EP

Spread the news, share like hell, give us feedback via facebook, youtube, or via mail to


We come from the dark times of the pandemic, we sought hope amid the uncertainties of these times and we never gave up.
Now a new day is dawning. A day of renewed fear. A day on the verge of losing what we have held dear for decades.
Democracy. Morale. Compassion.
Fear and anger have never been good counsellors - and if you stop and think for a moment, you will realize that radicals and extremists do not offer solutions to problems - they ARE the problem.
Time will tell whether this new EP will be a soundtrack to darker times. We play with the dark sides in all of us, we make them the theme of our music. But we don't want to bring the darkness into this world.
We stand for the protection of our human rights - for all people, not just for individual nations. We stand for courage and boldness against increasing populism, hatred and violence.
We stand our ground!

The EP “Stand your ground” will be free to download on

Albeit uncommercial, we expect you to donate whatever you feel reasonable to any non-governmental organization you decide to support. We have dedicated much of our time and our love for music to this EP, help us make it a meaningful thing.

+++ Sebastian and Andreas +++


Out now: MORBID POETRY - “Resurrection” EP

We are closing ourselves in – seeking shelter from this pandemic threat. This is a dark time we live in, making melancholy our loyal companion. Morbid Poetry – we chose our name deliberately, as melancholy has always been the realm of our music.

Resurrection – the title of our new EP – shall be our tribute to melancholy.

Some of the songs you will listen to have hibernated for long, now returning to a life among you. Other songs reflect the sorrow and darkness around us all. We need to close in now – so that we may live for tomorrow when the darkness will be gone.

Our music may give you the soundtrack for the bitterness, the melancholy and coldness around you.

The EP “Resurrection” will be free to download on

Albeit uncommercial, we expect you to donate whatever you feel reasonable to any non-governmental organization you decide to support. We have dedicated much of our time and our love for music to this EP, help us make it a meaningful thing.

Stand your ground – and stay healthy, wherever you are.

+++ Sebastian and Andreas +++


Download Morbid Poetry's albums for free

Morbid Poetry has never been and never will be a commercial band – we believe that money is not what spurs our effort to create new music.

Yet we dare asking you for something in return for downloading our music.

For the songs given to you, please donate to one of the following NGOs (or any other you feel is worth supporting for the good cause):

  • Médecins Sans Frontières
  • amnesty international
  • Greenpeace
  • Human Rights Watch
  • Terre des hommes
  • WWF

Any sum will help. We offer you the music we make – may you offer a chance, a life worth living (to human or animal both), or simply a piece of this planet being kept for all of us. We open the gates to our older works also, our lasting treasures that still seem to reach quite some hearts out there. All the known Morbid Poetry songs will be available for download as well.

This is what you get – and the price we ask you to pay instead of buying the music you enjoy. Music has been the joy of our hearts, may this flame carry on in yours.